New Zealand: The Place Where Gas Is Made From Beer

The more you learn about beer, the more it might surprise you. It has powerful bacteria-fighting properties that make it the perfect ingredient for body soap. It was considered currency in several ancient societies. And now, it’s even being used to make gasoline for vehicles in New Zealand.
Cars were lined up “bumper-to-bumper,” Stuff reported, when DB Export brewers and Gull fuel joined forces to release Brewtroleum in Auckland. DB Export stated that it took the company six months to develop the product and work through the kinks, but that the hard work was worth it; it’s estimated that drivers could reduce their own carbon dioxide emissions by about 250 kg per year if they switched over to biofuel.
The beer-based biofuel became available to the public on July 6, and 60 different North Island Gull service stations are now allowing customers to fill up — each driver who came to one of the pumps on July 6 was even given $50 of free gas to commemorate the first ever beer-powered gasoline.
The Independent and Sky News report that DB Exports produced 300,000 liters of biofuel for its grand debut as a consumer-available fuel, 30,000 liters of which was comprised of ethanol. The ethanol was created from 58,000 liters of yeast and spent grains, which result from the brewing process and are often sold to local farmers to be used as food for livestock.
DB Exports has reassured consumers that the fuel has been tested extensively, that it is safe to use in normal consumer vehicles, and that it delivers the same power as traditional fuel.
There have been no reports yet on whether any fuel companies and breweries in the U.S. are thinking about developing their own versions of this product — but with the craft brewing industry expanding so quickly and with over 700,000 auto mechanics in the U.S., it’s very possible that a new collaboration could take place sooner rather than later.