Austrian Video Technology Company Develops 360-Degree Video Helmet

An Austrian video technology company has developed a wearable video helmet that can record 360 degrees of video around the wearer.
According to a June 16 Twice article, the 360-Degree Video Helmet can hold anywhere from three to 18 GoPro cameras at a time.Its developer, Alessandro Dimas of Dimas Technologies, says the rig will help wearers create “spectacular videos with an even better 360-degree view, without arduously carrying around a handheld camera device.”
Dimas currently offers a service in which they will shoot and edit 360-degree video content for clients’ special events and promotions, the Twice article reports.
According to the Twice article, Dimas says a consumer-ready 360-Degree Video Helmet is still in development, with marketing and distribution options still being considered. Dimas Technologies hasn’t yet brought its device to GoPro, the camera that the helmet is made for.
“We plan to sell (the helmet) in the near future,” Dimas told Twice. “The expected price without cameras will be $1,990 excluding tax and shipping.”
During video playback, the 360-degree videos made with Dimas’ video helmet can be watched on computer screens while moving freely within the video image with arrow cues and mouse clicks. Users can also stitch the separate videos together, creating a single “straight” video.
The 360-Degree Video Helmet device is said to be perfect for filming point-of-view video, especially for sports like motocross and skydiving, Twice reports.