How Your House Affects Your Health

One breast cancer survivor recently wrote about a cleaning company which caters specifically to cancer patients going through chemotherapy, while a 2010 study from the University of Arizona notes that electronics and confined work spaces harbor a shocking amount of bacteria and germs. So how is all of this related, and what does it mean?
The reports are in: if you’re suffering from health issues, the dirt and dust in your home may be to blame (or, at the very least, aren’t making it any easier for your body to regain good health. Even though the University of Arizona study focused on germs hiding in computer keyboards, the study emphasizes that bacteria often grows and spreads because of food crumbs. In other words, any area in the home or workplace that comes in contact with food and isn’t regularly cleaned may actually be a serious health risk. The risk isn’t that you’ll come in contact with the food itself; rather, the bacteria that grows because of the microscopic food crumbs hanging around in hard-to-reach places can infiltrate the air and latch onto other nearby items.
Residents suffering from unrelated physical illnesses or conditions, like chemotherapy patients, should be extra careful about the health risks posed by germs and bacteria. Someone with a healthy immune system might be able to fight off a small cold or virus without a problem, but when the body is already under significant stress to begin with, even a small amount of bacteria can be incredibly harmful. Residents are more likely to clean easily-accessible areas like counter tops and tables, but those hard-to-reach spots, like your carpets and computers, can also harbor a great deal of dust and dirt.