Offensive T-Shirts on the Rise Across the Globe

Wholly nine out of every 10 Americans have at least one T-shirt that they just can’t throw away out of sentimental value. Unfortunately, there are also plenty of T-shirts that should’ve never been created — let alone thrown in the dumpster — that are still making it onto people’s bodies, department store racks, and magazine covers.
According to Quartz, Priyanka Chopra, a Bollywood star, posed on Condé Nast Traveler’s sixth anniversary cover with an offensive T-shirt.
There are four words written in black on a white T-shirt and three of the words, including “refugee,” “immigrant,” and “outsider,” were crossed out with the only remaining word, “traveler” left untouched and standing out.
Social media reacted quickly to the offensive statement made by both Chopra and Condé Nast and both released apologetic (and somewhat apologetic) statements regarding the cover.
“I’m really, really apologetic about the fact that so many sentiments were hurt,” Chopra said. “I was very affected and I felt really, really horrible and that was never the intention.”
The magazine took a more defensive approach for their apology:
“It’s about how our labeling of people as immigrants, refugees, and outsiders is creating a culture of xenophobia,” said magazine spokespeople. “We must recognize that we are all on a journey. Whether we are moving across oceans or just a few kilometers, or in our mind’s eye, into a completely different world, whether we are doing so due to free will or circumstance… we are all travelers.”
Chopra’s offensive message came just days after Walmart began adverting their newly offensive T-shirt, which read, “I’d Rather Be Snorting Cocaine Off A Hooker’s A**.”
For only $19.95 plus shipping and handling.
According to Mashable, Walmart reacted quickly to how offensive the shirt is once the issue was addressed to them, but not before the shirt went through production and was put onto the website.
“Wow,” said Bao Nguyen, who works in media relations for Walmart Global eCommerce and Technology. “This obviously has no business being on our site. We’re removing it ASAP. We apologize to anyone who was offended by the item and we’re removing it immediately.”