Rescue Dog Becomes Rescuer in Denver Burglaries

One lucky Denver couple narrowly averted a potentially dangerous situation when two burglars broke into their house and was thwarted by one brave helper. Who are they thanking, you ask? Their furry little friend, Squid.
Squid is a 3-year-old rescue dog who was taken out of an abusive environment at a Kansas farm, and brought to the Denver home owned by Tina Fuller and her fiancé Marshall Sommers, where Squid has been recovering and living happily since February of this year. Fuller was woken up by Squid’s growling at 3:30 a.m. one day last week, and she immediately knew that something was wrong; Squid normally “sleeps like a log,” according to Fuller.
When she got up to investigate, Fuller saw two men dressed in black clothes, carrying bags around her house and garage. She immediately called the police, and one suspect was apprehended. Police officers found a variety of electronics and valuable equipment from Fuller’s house and garage, as well as some items which are believed to have come from an earlier burglary that same night. It is suspected that, had Squid not caught the two men, they would have continued breaking into homes in the neighborhood to steal more valuable items. “I don’t even know how he heard them,” she told a local news channel. “We were in the other room. No window, no view.”
Police officers have not yet been able to locate all of the stolen items belonging to Fuller and Sommers, but the couple seems to know that, in the grand scheme of things, their safety — and the safety of Squid — was more important than anything else.
After spending the first three years of his life chained up outside, Squid was notably forlorn and shaken when Fuller and Sommers brought him into their house. But now, Fuller states, Squid knows that he is loved, and that he occupies a special place in their home. “He was really looking out for us. Our home is his home now,” Fuller says.
Brings a new meaning to the title “rescue dog,” doesn’t it?