Basement Water Alarms Allow Homeowners to Prevent Basement Floods

When it rains, it pours — especially if your home has a cracked foundation.
For many homeowners across America, flooded basements, the result of foundation cracks, are a common occurrence when it rains. Yet they don’t know that letting their basement flood with water can result in costly damage to a foundation.
According to a July 5 CBS Minnesota article, Allstate reports that the average insurance claim for water damage is more than $7,000.
This is why inexpensive, preventative devices, such as the $99 Home Sitter, have become a popular choice for homeowners, CBS Minnesota reports.
The Home Sitter can detect moisture on a basement floor or on a basement pump, at which point it will send out a notifying call to three phone numbers of the homeowner’s choice, the CBS Minnesota article says. If the homeowner is a way from his or her home, this lets him or her know it’s time to come home and rectify the solution.
“While alarms are great, they don’t prevent your basement from flooding – they only offer a warning. Typically people use these devices around their sump pits to alert the homeowner that their sump pump has failed. What really needs to be done is to have basements waterproofed to avoid leaking by sealing the foundation cracks and having a drain tile system installed to relieve the hydrostatic pressure.” says Austin Werner, Owner at The Real Seal LLC.
The CBS Minnesota says there are a number of other basement-water detectors on the market currently, some priced as low as $10.
But if you wants a permanent end to troublesome basement flooding, it’s recommended that you hire a basement waterproofing company to keep water out of your basement and keep your foundation in top condition.