Fake Food Bank Reps Scam Utahns With Offers of Free Carpet Cleaning in Exchange for Donations

Is cleaning your carpet necessary? Does it help to have a clean carpet? Cleaning your carpet improves your health besides making it look good. Professional carpet cleaning services help you eliminate dust mites and remove pollutants that might be trapped due to dirt. A clean carpet prevents the growth of mold.
Here is all about home carpet cleaning services you need to know
have you worked with a carpet cleaning company before? Is it your first time working with professional carpet cleaning services? What do you need to know about carpet cleaning? For your carpet cleaning services, before the cleaner starts the job, a pre-vacuum should be done. In case your carpet has stains, they should be removed in a general cleaning process. When rinsing the carpet, the cleaner should use acidic conditioning. Cleaning services vary from one company to another as it is not a regulated sector.
Factors to consider when choosing professional cleaning services
Maintaining a clean home is everyone’s desire. It is therefore essential to go for the best carpet cleaning services. What makes a good carpet cleaning company? Consider working with a company that has been in the industry for some time for high-quality work. Ensure the company has all the professional equipment, including the best brush for carpet cleaning.
An unlikely scam in Utah involves people posing as representatives from a food bank who offer a free carpet cleaning in exchange for a canned food donation.
According to KSL, the Utah Food Bank is warning people in the Salt Lake City area that this door-to-door appeal for nonperishable foods in exchange for a complimentary carpet cleaning is a scam. The food bank advises that if anyone comes to their door offering this deal, they should politely decline and call the Utah Food Bank immediately.
The scam involves individuals who claim to represent the food bank and carry bags that have the Utah Food Bank label on them. In exchange for a bag of food, the “representatives” offer a free carpet cleaning.

In reports of the scam, people claim to have seen a woman with tattoos, a nose piercing, and short blonde hair who drives a gray or silver Suburban-type vehicle.
According to the Utah Food Bank, they never go door-to-door to solicit donations and will never ask for access to a person’s home or offer anything in exchange for a donation.
The scam comes at an especially important time of year for the food bank — after a summer depletion of stock and just as they are trying to get enough donations to support the 470,000 Utahns who rely on food banks to eat through the holidays.
Experts recommend that carpets should be cleaned or protected at least once every year to year and a half, but finding the right company is essential for avoiding scams.
There are over 40,000 legitimate carpet cleaning companies in the United States, and you should make sure to do your research before hiring one. The intent of this particular scam is unclear, but giving strangers access to your home could result in damages or losses of personal property if they are not from a legitimate and trustworthy business.