Garage Door Community 1st Charity Drive Winner

Neighborhood Garage Door Service is a 24 hour garage door repair service and they are the hosts of the Community First Charity Drive in this video. The video begins with two representatives of Neighborhood Garage Door Service introducing the charity drive’s raffle from their headquarters. They thank everybody who entered the raffle and inform viewers that the winner will receive five hundred dollars for their own use, plus a five hundred dollar donation to a charity of their choice. After a moment of fanfare and jokes over the squeaky equipment, the hosts announce that the winner is a woman named Patsy Bates from Texas. She is a valued customer of Neighborhood Garage Door Service and they are going to go to her house and give her the prize money.
Patsy, a middle-aged woman in a neat house, expresses her joy as the representatives arrive on her doorstep with flowers and balloons. In her thick southern accent, she tells them how much she appreciates it and how she’s so excited to tell everyone she knows that she won the raffle. Her charity of choice is St. Jude, a research hospital devoted to treating pediatric cancer and other diseases. So that is where the five hundred dollar donation will go.
The hosts comment on the fact that she chose St. Jude so quickly and with so much certainty. They ask what her connection is, clearly expecting a story about a sick family member or friend. But Patsy simply tells them that she hates to see children get sick or deal with pain. And more, she hates to see their parents deal with medical bills on top of worry about their sick children. St. Jude does not bill their patients for services, making it the ideal recipient of Patsy’s generosity.
The scene is joyful as the hosts hand Patsy her flowers and balloons and stop to take pictures with her. Patsy jokes that she’s already called all of her friends with the news and the next step is to put the pictures they took on Facebook. As they say their goodbyes, everybody is happy. The video fades out with advertisements for both Neighborhood Garage Door Service and the Community First Charity Drive, clearly meant to inspire others to shop and donate. The atmosphere of the video is so genuinely charitable and exciting that it draws viewers in to learn more and to possibly enter the next raffle for themselves.