Spam Me Not! How to Get the Most Out of Your Email Campaign

According to a recent BBC report, spam email is at a 12-year low.
When Symantec, security firm and software company ran data, it found that only 50% of emails are spam emails as of 2015. This number is a vast improvement from only a decade ago.
The question is, why would anyone think that spam is a good way to sell product? According to the BBC, bootleggers and cheap retailers overseas rely on this taboo marketing tactic in order to tempt buyers to purchase counterfeit pharmaceuticals and fake luxury items.
Happily, there are better ways to communicate to customers via email; in fact, there’s nothing wrong with a good email campaign. Email campaigns are a great way to get potential clients to bring in revenue and to help sustain the business of old clients.
But recent findings suggest that simply sending email blasts aren’t enough. While the hilariously irritating days of Viagra spam and chain emails are over, thoughtless email blasts can be considered as outdated and spamtastic as the irritants of yesteryear.
According to Marketingland, email campaigns these days require a little more nuance in order to have a positive effect; the result of a perfect blend of proper timing, relevant content, and personalization.
The more timely your email is, Marketingland reports, the more likely your campaign is to successfully reach your audience. For most demographics, during the day is the best time, but it depends on the age of your target audience.
Contrary to popular belief, marketers recommend avoiding sending your email first thing in the morning, as it will typically get lost in the customer’s inbox.
When it comes to content, Marketingland recommends that it should always be data-sensitive. This means that no matter when the email is opened, the content of the email should still be relevant and applicable to the customer, even if it’s three days after the stated promotion.
The email itself should use data to function as a website of its own, rather than a dated piece of information.
Finally, email content should be personalized. This idea goes against the traditional email blast campaign model. Each client’s personal data should be incorporated into the email to make it as relevant as possible.
According to a recently conducted study, emails that are personalized have higher click-through rates, at about a 4% difference. And numbers like that make all the difference.