Survey Shows Multi-Channel Marketing Approach Increases Revenue For Small Businesses

As mobile online activity reaches an all-time high this year, companies are trying to find ways to attract as many customers as possible using various marketing techniques. A recent survey conducted by Constant Contact, an email marketing firm, confirms that taking a mulit-pronged approach to marketing, such as email, web, social media, and mobile platforms, could increase customer interaction and engagement in small businesses.
The survey asked more than a thousand small U.S. business about their marketing approaches, and strategies they use to attract customers. About 82% of the companies surveyed reported a multi-channel system that includes emailing customers, mobile outreach, web content, and social media outlets. This combination of approaches could lead to a higher influx of customers, and consequently, increased revenue, according to the the survey.
“Because consumers seek out businesses on multiple devices and through various platforms, we believe it is essential to utilize a multi-channel marketing approach to bolster brand presence,” says Steven Smith, CEO of SandS Pro Services, LLC. “This in turn helps small businesses bring in more traffic and boost their revenue.”
This survey serves as evidence for Constant Contact’s new platform, Toolkit, launched as part of its analytics management sector. In a data driven world, the company claims that its new metrics system offers an all-in-one way to track the effectiveness of 15 different types of marketing campaigns.
With this Toolkit, each campaign can be dissected into real-time clicks, likes, coupon claims, and opens, and highlight how these user actions effect each campaign positively or negatively. The metrics breakdown the number of Facebook downloads, the total number of local deals customers claimed using coupons, and also how the company’s contacts have increased over time, among other resources. The analysis can then be used to better support future campaigns, according to Constant Contact.
Toolkit also allows companies to integrate various business tools such as Google Analytics, and Salesforce into the equation. With the help of these metrics, Constant Contact says that small businesses can make informed decisions about the most effective marketing campaigns, and implement more fruitful customer-based strategies.
And Constant Contact is not the only one taking a multimedia approach to marketing. KDS, Inc. recently released two new marketing services for customers, Marketing Strategy, and Strategic Messaging and Content Development. Their website offers a plethora of marketing services from website design, to advertising design, to video production. They claim that a wide variety of marketing strategies allows businesses to strengthen their brand presence, and improve communication between a company and its customers.
Small businesses often rely on revenue alone to stay afloat, and a multi-faceted marketing campaign could be a significant factor in garnering profits. As these companies try to identify the most successful ways of increasing their visibility, this kind of media barrage could prove beneficial.