Web Designers, Rejoice! Google’s HTML5 Tool Finally Upgraded

Earlier this month, Google announced a major update to its Google Web Designer HTML5 tool. The recent update offers more options to build interactive and animated content as well as ties in much more smoothly with AdWords.
This popular web design tool has helped businesses small and large easily develop their own personal websites. However, Google Web Designer is mostly used by professional advertisers, media agencies, and creative design agencies to help streamline the process of making banner ads and other animations.
The design program uses HTML5 technology — a better alternative to Flash technology — and whatever is created using this new program is guaranteed to show up on an device, Apple or Android.
Those interested should understand that the name is slightly misleading. This tool is not quite for web design, but is used instead for creating animated displays and banner ads that are seen on websites. It also boasts the ability to animate a certain part of a web page.
Google Web Designer was first launched in September 2013, and this marks the first major update since it’s release to the public a year ago. As always, the software is free to download and most experienced web designers will be able to fine-tune the code associated with the design tools.
Graphic designers are an important piece of the web design puzzle and they will now be able to make company and client websites stand out with animated images and banners. Google states that the recent update will make animation, video, and other interactive content much easier to create for mobile devices.
Previously, not all animations were properly loading on all devices, especially mobile devices not optimized for HTML5.
“Google sure has done a good job of promoting HTML5 and trying to standardize the web,” says Andreas Huttenrauch, Chief Digital Strategist at Globi Web Solutions. “Unfortunately many browsers and especially mobile browsers are problematic. The more flash that is changed to HTML5, the better. It’s not just a question of loading time, but more so of bandwidth cost when using a smartphone. Designers be wary though – just because you CAN easily create animations, doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Advertisers leverage animation because it’s so annoying – it has little place in a professional website.”
Nearly 20% of Google searches are conducted via mobile devices, and Google Web Designer’s update will hopefully make the end user experience a lot less frustrating.
“Through its integration with Google Web Designer, AdWords now supports HTML5 ad creatives,” said Sean Kranzber, Google’s Engineering Manager and Tony Mowatt, Lead Product Manager explain. “In addition, Flash ads that are uploaded to AdWords will automaticall be converted to HTML5 ads and can be uploaded via AdWords Editor and other 3rd party tools coming soon.”
With an estimated 25.85% of all emails being opened from mobile devices, it will certainly be nice to be able to see those ecards friends and family have send. Loading will also not be as much of an issue due to an easy conversion of graphics from Flash to HTML5. Nearly 66% of smartphone and tablet users are frustrated with the length of time needed to load a website due to poor integration.
With the update, designers will benefit from adding interactive content such as iFrame, maps, tap areas, image galleries, and YouTube videos. Details such as creating content that react to touching, tilting, rotating, or shaking a smartphone or tablet have not been overlooked, either.
Google’s HTML5 program has set it’s course to be the future of online advertisement design and those working in the industry should prepare themselves to be hearing much more from the tech giant regarding the program.
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