Zombie-Proof Cabins are Equipped with Solar Power, Barbed Wire, and Xbox

UPDATED 11/17/20
With so many power sources polluting the environment, solar panel systems can be an alternate way to generate and store energy. With green energy solar panels, you can get off the city grid and have your own power when you need it. Depending on where you live, your city may actually buy some of your power from you, giving you a check instead of a bill every month. If you’ve been wondering- how can I get solar panels, there are often local businesses that sell these for home use.
You can look up home solar companies near me to find some companies that will sell these. when you find one of these companies, they know everything about solar energy. They can answer your wide-ranging questions about getting the solar panels onto your home and using them for your home’s energy source. For those who are worried about the environment, having solar panels can give them peace of mind in knowing that they’re doing what they can to reduce the use of fossil fuels for energy. Most users stay on their city’s utilities so that they can get power when there’s no sun. With this arrangement, you’ll have all the power you need.
With so many power sources polluting the environment, solar panel systems can be an alternate way to generate and store energy. With green energy solar panels, you can get off the city grid and have your own power when you need it. Depending on where you live, your city may actually buy some of your power from you, giving you a check instead of a bill every month. If you’ve been wondering- how can I get solar panels, there are often local businesses that sell these for home use.You can look up home solar companies near me to find some companies that will sell these. when you find one of these companies, they know everything about solar energy. They can answer your wide-ranging questions about getting the solar panels onto your home and using them for your home’s energy source. For those who are worried about the environment, having solar panels can give them peace of mind in knowing that they’re doing what they can to reduce the use of fossil fuels for energy. Most users stay on their city’s utilities so that they can get power when there’s no sun. With this arrangement, you’ll have all the power you need.
Solar panels have long been hailed as a way to cut down on oil dependence and move toward clean energy, but a company in the United Kingdom is more interested in their merits as zombie survival tools.
U.K. building company Tiger Log Cabinsandnbsp;recently unveiled its ZFC-1 Zombie Fortification Cabin, a product that’s sure to send doomsday preppers running for their wallets. The cabins sell at £69,995, or $113,000, and are designed to protect the owner who’s more concerned about the walking dead than keeping up with the Joneses.

Base models of the zombie-proof cabin come equipped with a standard living area, complete with an Xbox system, a turntable sound system and a plasma HDTV, suggesting that the worst enemy in a zombie apocalypse may in fact be boredom.
The cabin is split into a compound with three distinct units. The two smaller units consist of a storage unit for canned soup and firearms and a garage fit for an armored vehicle (which unfortunately is not included).
The third and largest building houses a two-story living space with a furnished exercise room, two bedrooms equipped with six bunk beds and two chests of drawers, and a living room/kitchen area with a sofa, coffee table and microwave. At the center of the compound is a walled-in outdoor garden for survivalists who want to take a crack at growing their own food.
At the top of the largest unit is an upper deck area for residents to spy on the zombie population from above. Spotlights and mounted artillery aren’t included, but residents will still rest easy surrounded by the barbed wire running along every roof in the compound.
More advanced models, for an additional $8,500, come with CCTV security cameras to track the movement of encroaching walkers, and solar panels to power the cabin’s various entertainment consoles when zombies inevitably take over the power stations.
Buyers who throw in another $4,000 will find a full riot suit, complete with gas mask and shield, when they move into their new cabin, and another $21,000 will buy full installation services from Tiger Log Cabins.

The cabin even comes with a generous 10-year warranty that covers attacks from “voodoo zombies, brooks zombies, and fast infected zombies.” Unfortunately, “medical evidence of the presence of a real zombie” is required to claim the warranty.
The use of commercial solar systems is not just limited to those preparing for the zombie apocalypse. In recent years the use of rooftop solar panel systems has been increasingly mainstreamed as the cost of installation has dropped. Although, as a technology, solar panels have been around for decades, only recently have average homeowners been able to consider their installation without breaking the bank.
Homeowners these days are always looking for ways to reduce household costs. The installation of rooftop solar panels has been a viable option for those looking to save money on their monthly energy bill.
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