School District To Use New Technology To Help Track Buses

Updated 4/1/2021
If you want a good educational opportunity for your child, you may be interested in putting him into a private school. The private schools in your area will have a variety of different strengths and weaknesses, and you should know what they are before you make up your mind about which to attend. It’s important to go to the website of each of these schools to see what they promote and what they are proud of. The best private school websites will have information about the school’s academics as well as its social pulse.
You can also go to a website to check school rating scores against the other private schools in the area. This can help you to compare private high schools. The admissions process for each private school is different. Some will focus more on grades and test scores while others will take any student that has a recommendation. Transitioning to private school is often made easier by systems that the schools use to integrate new students into the flow of things. This can be a buddy system or something similar. When your child goes to the new school, they will know at least one person already to make friends with.
It’s that time of year again, and school is back in session for a lot of areas around in the country. The Upper Adams School District in Pennsylvania is no different, and with the new school year starting, the school district is debuting new technology that will allow them, and parents, to keep track of their children.
Beginning this year, this district will be implementing an upgraded two-way radio system that has a GPS in order to help them track their school buses. The buses had analog radios for several years, however, the district claims the drivers would often encounter “dead spots” where communication wasn’t possible.
Supervisor of Administrative Services, Dennis Cope wanted to ensure school bus drivers were able to have communication at all times, ensuring the safety of the students.
However, since implementing the digital radios, drivers say they encounter fewer dead zones. The GPS feature allows administrators to see the locations of the buses, as well as the times of when they come and go. Administrators can also view reports to see if the drivers are speeding.
According to the district, signals are encrypted, allowing the school to communicate with the county and township, but preventing others from hacking into the system. The administrators hope the new two-radio communication systems provides greater security and peace of mind for students and especially parents. For example, if a student’s bus doesn’t arrive on time, the school simply has to take at look at the GPS system in order to find the bus’ location.
Communication systems are an essential aspect of our lives, especially in the workplace. Effective and clear communication ensures the safety of employees, as well as allows the day-to-day operations of a business to run smoothly.
Working in remote areas can be difficult, due to their desolate locations. Similar to the school buses encountering dead zones, remote work sites such as oil rigs and construction sites, often require special equipment, such as mobile communication towers and construction two way radios in order to stay connected. Now, more than ever, we have several different ways of establishing communication even in the most remote of areas.