NY Giants Punter Pays for Prom

It’s party season once again — proms, weddings, graduation, moving — the list goes on as the warm weather continues to roll in. With 34,610 people employed in the U.S. supply rental industry, you can rest easing knowing that your party will turn out just the way you want it, from the table linens to the dance floor.
Unfortunately, not everyone this year has been able to enjoy one of the most memorable nights of their life: prom. In the aftermath of 2013’s Hurricane Sandy, many New Jersey high school students have had to opt out of attending their senior prom for the second year in a row due to expenses.
Hurricane Sandy left New Jersey in a devastated state — families had to pour their life savings into making repairs to homes, cars, and businesses. With the cost of tickets, tuxedo and dress rentals, and transportation, it didn’t look like prom was an option for most kids.
Fortunately, Steve Weatherford of the New York Giants was deeply concerned about the affects the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy would leave. The U.S. party supply rental industry generates roughly $2 billion of annual revenue, and Weatherford wanted to make sure this industry stays afloat by sending high school students to prom in order to enjoy the beautiful party decor that aids in making this night so memorable.
“During prom season, we usually rent chairs, tables, dance floors, tents, and more to create the ultimate experiences,” says David at Anar Party Rental. “Proms start our high volume season, renting party equipment can help create a memorable experience that’s affordable and beautiful.”
As part of his #ProjectProm campaign which aims to give financially burdened students the same experience as their peers, Weatherford — with the help of local businesses and other sponsors — was able to pay for the tickets, clothing, transportation, and markeup for 20 high school students in New Jersey.
The punter’s first stop was Bayonne High School’s prom this past Friday night. With a rented white Bentley convertible, Weatherford was able to give his fans the feel of a luxurious party. The party rentals were also a stunning display as he and his prom date stood on a rolled out red carpet. Next stop was Southern Regional High School’s senior prom on Saturday night. Selfies and group photos taken of the punter and his fans were posted on Twitter as the night progressed.
Weatherford hopes to extend his #ProjectProm as the years progress in order to continue giving high school students a night to remember by raising money. In order to save money, the schools would benefit from a party rental supply company, and with 3,245 supply companies in the United States, there’s no excuse not to throw a great 2015 prom season.